
Junior college kickoff

Junior college kickoff Juniors will kickoff their college exploration/application process with an intro assembly going over important dates, deadlines, and 

Y2K High School Dance

Y2K High School Dance High School Dance w/NHS Participating Grade(s): 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade Event organizer: 

Grade 9 Field “Day”

Grade 9 Field "Day" Grade 9 students will go to the playground down the street to have a field day. 

Western New England University campus tour

Western New England University campus tour Tour/info session/lunch at Western New England University Participating Grade(s): 11th Grade Event organizer: Lewis, 

AMC Math Competition

AMC Math Competition We will be attending the AMC math competition through WMML at Wilbraham and Monson academy with a 

Career speaker event

Career speaker event Speakers will visit HCSS, or join virtually, to speak to students about their careers. It will be 

Wildlife on Wheels

Wildlife on Wheels A hands-on reptile encounter at the school Participating Grade(s): 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade 

State Park trip

State Park trip I would like to take the 8th grade to Rocky Neck State Park in East Lyme, CT.