PTO Purpose and Mission Statement

Purpose of PTO: The Parent/Teacher Organization is an organization composed of involved parents and teachers who share a common purpose that includes providing the students of Hampden Charter School of Science (HCSS) with an enriched educational experience by supporting the school, its staff, and its programs. The PTOs count on the continued support and input of caring parents, not only financially, but also with ideas and suggestions to make our schools a better place for the children. Membership is open to anyone who believes in the PTO mission, purpose and its objectives as a whole and is interested in serving as an officer, member or volunteer. Members will help in organizing, facilitating and participating in fundraising events and help school administrators in their daily duties as needed. Continued parental participation will foster relationships among the parents, schools administrators, and staff.

Mission Statement: The mission of the Hampden Charter School PTO is to provide a vehicle whereby parents and educators can work cooperatively to bring about a closer relationship between the home and school, thus enhancing the educational processes and experiences of the students enrolled in Hampden Charter School of Science (HCSS). The PTO exists exclusively to support the school, to raise funds through a variety of activities which provide additional equipment, services & special projects, and scholarships; therefore, further enriching the students learning experience here at HCSS.

You can email  if you would like be a part of PTO.